Who we are

The "Together for the Valley" committee is an apolitical and nonpartisan group. It is a diverse team of people, residents of Mercatale di Cortona and Lisciano Niccone, united by their love for the region. The committee is dedicated to the preservation, conservation, and promotion of a valley rich in culture and history. Nestled between Umbria and Tuscany, the Val di Pierle is a collection of unique and remarkable places.

Our Mission

"Together for the Valley" is committed to transforming the civic and moral sense of its members into concrete actions for the protection of civil and environmental rights, the improvement of living conditions for residents, and the promotion of a more livable, sustainable, and supportive region. The Committee operates on a voluntary basis, collaborating with citizens and institutions to address issues, propose solutions, and enhance the cultural, social, and economic resources of the Valley.

Our Vision

We aim to build a cohesive and aware community where public health, quality of life, environmental protection, and respect for traditions are seamlessly integrated with sustainable development and the enhancement of local resources, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for the region and its inhabitants.

The First Event: Mercatale Under the Stars 2023